Brand New Logo 

 Wow! A new neater and astonishing logo has been made. Now easier to recognise and remember. This also comes along with a new favicon that looks more stunning than boring. Animated logo next? Nol (shop) branded collection next? Who Knows?

New Collection Drops

With the drop of a brand new store comes a set of brand new apparels with stunning designs.


As the name suggests, it has that nice classic design that one can't complain about. It's simple and clean with not much design on it. It is also a redo of a previous merchandise from the previous store.


What there to hate about hexagons. As a type of trademark, this is one concept that would be expected. However, it doesn't just contain only hexagons.... There are many designs that includes hexagon and most doesn't contain the clasic Noldalag trademark.

Collection Tab

A tab where one can browse all collections without scrolling through a long list of merchandise.


Front Page

We are planning to remodel the front page for more easy viewing. We are curently using the default template but it will soon change to be simaliar to that of the Collection page.

2nd Collection Drop

If you are unaware, every 6 month there will be a collection drop better than the previous. Get ready to buy stunning designed merchandise from us truely. 

Will 『Hexagon』 collection disapear?

It Won't! Visit the newly made Collection page where you can veiw all available collections.

Paid Tutorial Plans

Want to improve your art or learn my style? Worry not!

In the near future, you can purchase a Tutorial plan which will show a list of videos which gives you a detailed walkthrough of the processes I do to make my magic.

Art not your thing?

Don't worry I got you covered! We won't just stop at art tutorials. There may be Tutorial plans like the process behind making my videos and the process behing making my stream look outstanding! There's more that will come and there may also be (paid-separately) continuation of the series.


Delayed Drop

Sorry for the inconvenience of delaying the promised drop. Currently Nol is busy and could not finish designing the merchandise. The drop may be release later this year and as an apology, we would host a promotion sale when it releases. We promise to deliver the drop when the inconvenience is gone. Thank You.

— Noldalag